When you are in therapy, the 50 minutes you spend with your therapist can feel like you have the freedom to talk your thoughts or feelings, be fully listened to, without judgement. This is something that doesn't normally happen in everyday life - so, in this way, it is "another place".
take control of
Sometimes it might feel like everything is on top of you and you can't get a hold of your life. Sometimes it may feel like you are the only one suffering. Are you stuck in those old patterns of behaviour that are stopping you from achieving what you want from your life? Is anxiety preventing you from living better? Maybe you are feeling that your inner critic is giving you such a hard time that you cannot be yourself. Maybe you have lost yourself somewhere on the way...
Whatever it is, you don't have to face it alone. You can take control of your life change whatever doesn't work for you.

You may feel like your life does not belong to you or that you don't have much control of it. Maybe you are not making conscious decisions and are "just going with the flow". Maybe you feel like a passive observer and things "just happen".
What is it that yo are doing are are not doing to affect your life now. Are you stuck in obehaviours from the past that are not serving up any more?
Changing form acting on unconscious urges to making conscious decisions on your like can be empowering.
Your Greatest Self.
Do you ever wonder, who the real you is, what the real you likes, orr even feels? Whether you can be real with yourself, or whether your friends and colleagues actually see the real you?
We may have had to develop a certain way of being in order to interact with others more successfully, be it our parents, siblings, friends, colleagues, society, etc. But who is the real selfbeheeath al those identities?
In therapy, you can work on accessing your real self, the real you. A process that, although challenging, can leave you enriched and may open up new channels in your life.
Litsa Mouka, MBACP (Accred)

Fully qualified counsellor and accredited member of the BACP (British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists).
I want to make a difference in your life, help improve your wellbeing and quality of life.
I will work with you as a unique human being, try to understand your experience, and through establishing a good connection and trust help you achieve what you need.
I work with a wide range of clients, from those who simply wish to work on personal development, to those whose daily functioning has been severely impacted by mental health issues.
experience your
Exploring difficult experiences and uncomfortable emotions while having your feelings acknowledged can feel empowering.
Connecting with your anger
while using it productively
and constructively assert
yourself can be empowering.
Increasing your
and insight into your own
life and actions can
be empowering.
Therapy can help you feel empowered.